Currently I'm in the middle of working on the second episode of Anime Amigos. I'm also out of school now, so hopefully production on that will move swiftly. Hell, last summer I finished cartoons within two or three weeks, simply due to an abundance of time.
I also have my basic distractions, video games and shit. Right now I'm working my way through the traffic cases of L.A. Noire. I'm having a lot of fun with it. I also watched Akira...holy fuck.
Anyway, so onto the subject of the post, I've decided to do a QandA type thing. If you have a question to ask me, ask it. If your don't, thats cool, I might do another one of these in the future, simply because I like answering questions. Ask away.
Do you plan on going to college? Any top choices?
RyanStorm (Updated )
I've actually been contemating that for a while. For the past 4 years I was against going to college. I thought it'd be a waste of time and that I should just try to jump straight into the work force. I've recently changed how I thought about some of these things and have actually started to consider college again, but I'm still unsure. I'm thinking if I do go, I'll try to get into Sheridan or Calarts. The latter is way out of my league, due to it's 20% acceptance rate, my average grades, and my lack of skill in art forms that aren't cartoons. I'm looking at things like Mass Art or some technical schools, not so much for art degrees, but for technical degrees. I'm hopeing to get a job as a computer technician, just so as I have a source of income, while I do what I love. Creating animated pictures.